Monday, April 07, 2008

A letter to a friend

who shall remain un-named.
But I thought I would share it with you (some editing has been done) and maybe pass along this desire I have for Spring to spring in full bloom and tempt me with the promise of summer and sunshine to come. Which I dare say this friend has had a large part in creating. Especially in light of the freaky hail storm we had the first of last week.

This was in buds last week and this is how it looks today blooming outside my bedroom window.
Wonderful isn't it?

Dear ------
Subject: Your blog.
While I loved reading about your quilting adventures and loved seeing what you had created and wished on more than a few occasions that my brain worked in a similar fashion but alas I knew it would not. Now. I fear, your blog since it has taken a new path is far more deadly to my green thumb than it ever was to my creativity.
Everyday after reading your entries I am torn between speeding off to the nursery to see what I can buy and plant or just go to the studio as I know I should at least until I get all the pieces I need for two show by June completed.
Last time I blogged I was stumped and had no idea of what to work on. So taking the suggestion of others who coach creativity, I revisited a past series I had done that dealth with seasons. (as in Spring, Summer.... etc. I was trying to make this one speak to water, or a river. HUMMMM! I don't know if I succeeded. .

At any rate, back to the letter
Today (Saturday) I gave in to the temptation of the nursery and plants and now my back is hurting and my face is red from being in the sun for hours... .
So now, I am taking to my bed with a bowl of ice cream covered with sliced strawberries and the newest Quilting Arts Magazine as soon as I take a quick shower and down a pain pill.
I must report that I
I reseeded the bare places in the back 1/2 acre of lawn, that required a 50 pound bag of seed. I swear I must be the deer grazing ground, almost every bare spot had deer dropping about it.
I planted 8 quart size pots of daisies

and sowed four o;clocks seeds, I remember four o;clocks from my childhood, along with sweet pea vines if only I had a trellis to grow them.
No, let me stop this thought right here. I will not go out and buy a trellis today. I will not go out and buy a trellis today. I will not. not... not.

Then I planted 6 Stella Dora's lilies

and 12 stargazer lily bulbs. The bulb smelled wonderful and I can imagine what the blooms will smell like once they appear.
I'm pooped.
Please in the future can you refrain from making your little piece of heaven so tempting.


I still have 9 plants to put in the ground. But I am watching the path of the sun because they are for part shade or morning sun only. I'm hoping I will have somethings with a little color to keep the Hosta's I planted last summer company.

Today I am reporting that the body is better and I am off to work in the studio. Hopefully in a day or two I can show you my next piece of work for those who follow my blog to see what I am about in the studio as opposed to the garden. But again, I love all of you who come just to see what I am about no matter what.


Karoda said...

Here I am referring to your whistling while you worked the other day and now ice cream and pain pills :) No, seriously, the gardening is just an extension of your studio, right?!

Anonymous said...

Karoda has you pegged. Non A

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I can only see red X's instead of pictures.

Hope you are being productive. I saw some of your students' work from when you were at the Chicago guild. Very nice!

MargB said...

Try the miniature sweet peas - no trellis required