Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No moaning and groaning allowed

at least that is what I told myself I would not do in my blog entries. After all what do I really have to complain about. I woke up this morning, didn't I.
But I want to complain none-the-less because I didn't wake with an idea, good, bad or just so so that would spur me on toward getting to work.
I need 3-4 pieces for an exhibit that I am in with my five friends and fellow artist that are the "River City Fiber Artist" group". The title of our exhibit that opens in June at the Water Tower Gallery is "The River's Edge" as in the Ohio River, the one the city of Louisville was founded on at the falls there.
It has been really hard for me to come up with an idea I want to pursue. The word water, and the images I have of it does not speak to me, nor does the word river, are floods or rapids or ripples or reflections or boats or bridges or barges or paddle wheels or, or, or, or,. AGHHHHH!
I spent the better part of yesterday at the Library, browsing through the art section and looking at book on plants and ferns and rivers without a glimmer.
I spent part of Saturday and some time on Sunday in two of the three local quilt shop looking at fabric hoping to be inspired by a pattern or the colors or a theme. Although I couldn't resist buying some yardage, I still do not have a plan.
On Friday, I made my way slowly through Barnes and Noble in hope of finding something that clicked in one or more of the magazine I picked up,leafed through and put back.
No luck.
All I did was buy the latest J. D. Robb in hardcover and preceded to read it from page one to finish in one continuous reading session.
I'm going to have some lunch now and take a walk to the end of the cul-de-sac and back.
I'm every hopeful that something will come to me.


Melody Johnson said...

I'm with you Juanita. I can never fit my ideas around a theme. It is so "other" to try to use a concept that is not my own.
Funny, when I have attended quilt shows that have a theme, I am usually not as impressed by the 'illustrations' of that theme as I am by the quilts that seem to have no relation at all to it. They must be just great on their own.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to come here and sit by the river in different spots and then something wil come to you. Of course thats a good excuse to see you also.