I know, I could be mean and say, no way, it's out of here... Put the hard top back on it, but it is such a "cute" girl speak kind of car. Not sure what guy's say, except he's gotten quite a few thumbs up from other guys who have walked past our garage when the door has been up.
But for what I use the garage for, there is still room for me to get to the sink and the work table even when this short stuff of a car is inside.
Here is what I dyed two days ago using bleach and unbleached Roc Lon muslin from Joann Fabric.
I like the feel of the bleached but not the unbleached muslin which took some hard pressing with steam and could have benefited greatly with a good spay of starch or sizing to be usable and if I were to use this cloth for a functional bed quilt it would definitely have that used looked after the first washing. But I don't make those kind of quilts.
So now I am waiting for a samples of James Thompson's bleached and unbleached muslin to arrive by mail to see if I like the weight of it. I am so used to using Kona PFD that I am spoiled by the weight of that cloth even when I know some other fabric lines take the dye better.
Will blog again soon, For now, I am off to the cardiologist where I expect to get a good your heart is healing just fine report.
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