I was greeted warmly by all and got a change to see two pieces by two of the ladies there. The meeting was more about what was going on in the area. Upcoming quilt shows in the area and a report that a glass works inhibit at the Botanical Gardens in St Louis was worth the trip to see as well the current exhibit at the St Louis Museum. Several commented and showed goodies purchased at last weekends Art Festival in the downtown Columbia.
I knew about the Art Festival, but I chose not go because the weather on Saturday was not good. Cold and very windy which made it colder. Sunday, I hate to report was a veg out day. I just knitted while cheering the USA golf team's efforts at the Ryder Cup. For you non golf fans, the Ryder Cup is a competition between the USA and Europe. Europe WON.
I got out of bed around three in the afternoon, but not out of my lounge around the house clothes to help spread mulch in the planting areas at the front of the house. Lyn and the boys went off to purchase 25 bags of mulch for the task. Pine bark for the areas on both sides of the front door and coco hulls around the trees. The smell of a great cup of steaming hot coco caught the noses of the two dogs down the street. Not sure if we have a lease law in this community because Sonya's two small dogs are always loose(I think I told you about her several entries ago. If not, she is the daughter of the lady that brought the brownies as a welcome to the neighborhood gift.) . Once their noses caught sent of the coco here they came on the run to investigate. Sonja was close behind.
We also, Lyn and I more so than the boys did some more sorting and organizing of her side of the garage. As I said, my side is organized and orderly. Has been for at least a couple of weeks.
Josh the oldest carried into her bed room several large bins of her fall and winter clothes for her to sort and put away. Very ordered, we now have a designated place for yard sale stuff Lyn is keeping to give to a friend of hers who does yard sales for charity. However she still has several boxes and containers of her work related papers that need to go to a shredder because of sensitive information.
So as I am now relating this, maybe my Sunday wasn't as vegetative as I had thought.
Yesterday, Monday, I finished stitching down the facing and the sleeves for this commissioned pieces The original piece "Night Vision" is the on the left, the newest on the right

As I was working on it in order to make my Friday deadline, I listened to the second of five books on CD‘s that I got at the Library. I have now started listening to the third. It really feels like me, now that I have gotten back into listening to book as I work, rather than having to relie on TV re-runs.
What to do now that all this is done is the question I have for myself today.....
I have a little over two weeks before I have to be in Bowling Green, Kentucky to teach a class at the Western Kentucky University Museum in conjunction with an exhibition of textiles, quilts included from their permanent collection that have a floral theme. Since I do flowers they thought I would fit the bill as an instructor."Coming Round Again"

This is the class sample for that workshop. It measures 22" x 28" This is the fourth piece I've made using this circle motif and the smallest.
There were three other pieces that are in some stage of completion that I put aside several long months ago when I made the decision to move to Columbia and my life was filled with getting ready to move. Do I still like them enough to quilt them now? I'll let you know tomorrow after I've looked at them.