Friday, May 06, 2011

Gardening... that's all

Loving my container garden and my cherry tomato plant is setting fruit other then that there's not a whole lot going on here.
As I sit here I am trying to decide if I will take myself off to the movies to see Thor since it is not a movie Rene would enjoy.
The author of Quilting with Aliens was the guest speaker/presenter at the Log Cabin Fever Quilt Guild last Monday. It was hard for me to enjoy her. The room we meet in was sooooooo cold. I keep forgetting that and wore shorts, sandals and a tee shirt with short sleeve. I needed, jeans, sock and a sweater.
I finished the commission quilt and I am trying to decide if it is really done or if I should tweak it just a little with more highlights and shading. I will leave it hanging on the design wall over the weekend and if after that I decide it is truly done I will get it in the mail to Linda in Louisville.
I went to a meeting of a small (dozen or so) quilt group yesterday that was very informal. More like the stitchery group I attended occasionally with my friends Marti and Val in Louisville. They meet the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10-2. Bag lunches and something to work on or not is all that is required. They gather in an activity room at a church about 7 miles from where I live. Really easy to get to. Easy in the fact that I did not need the GPS to get there.
You can bring you sewing machine if you want. One lady with a Feather weight did that however the others were doing handwork, including knitting and crochet.
Good thing about being in a small group. You get to know some people better. As I found out; most of the women I recognized from the larger guild group. So it was really nice putting names to the faces. The bad thing about meeting with a small group is seeing many hands finding joy working on a hand quilted project. I made my fingers itch to get started on something like that yourself. So don't be surprised if I tell you a few blogs from now that I am working on something that is all hand work. Some pieced or appliqued that will be hand quilted. I am telling myself that I need to do that because every other week I won't have something ready that needs a facing hand stitched down on like I did yesterday. Who knows, maybe my grad-daughter Olivia will get a quilt for her bed. She's a girly girl and would appreciate a quilt or maybe I'll made a crib size one for my soon to be first great-grand daughter. My oldest grandson is expecting his first child and they said it is a girl. We'll see.
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