Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here I GO!!!

I have attempted to blog once before now but as bad luck would have it my computer crashed. So here I am with a new laptop and a newly purchased digital camera ready once again to go forth into cyber space.

I have been journaling for some years and have found it to be a very freeing experience for me. The blank journal pages was a great place to dump troubling, madding, pressing as well as joyous stuff , set priorities and get on with the day.

So I am taking my daily journaling to another level. Hence the new blog site. I hope you find my musings interesting and informative.

Today after the batteries for my camera fully charge I will see if I can up-load and down-load some shots of my newest series of art quilts for you to see. This series has me returning to use the circle as the main design element just as I did in several of my early quilt works. I feel I have grown in skill since those earlier quilts, and I have found joy in making each of these three. Not that I do not still love the early ones.

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