Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A garden update

I wish I had taken some before pictures but didn't. It was really bare looking, but here is what I have done so far.

I put in some wax begonias as well as tuberous begonia and impatience in the area that stay mostly in the shade all day. I brought several more pots of perennials this morning for under the two trees at the front of the house plus some annuals. When I got back I planted for about an hour and a half until it got too hot then came in for lunch. After lunch I decided to give up planting the remaining 36 dahlias until later in the day. Once again they are promising rain for this evening. I hope it doesn't we need some dry days, all the rivers are flooding. But we are on high ground.
When you are used to planting annual flowers in deck railing boxes and pots you do them compactly for instant beauty, but it is different when planting perinials in the ground. You need to leave room from the plants to grow and spread which is what is suppose to happen. I have to be patient. I have to be patient. I have to be patient. I keep telling myself and not overplant. pPosted by Picasa

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