What caught my eye was the larger bird and the sound of peeps. Looking closer I could see three small chick trying to make their way through the grass following the calling sound of their mother. I watched them for a while trying to take a clear photo of them from behind the glass door to keep from scaring them. But no luck. I finally went out side and captured the image you see here.
While I was wondering about the garden I discovered these mushroom growing under a bush. My hostas are doing great and these colorful "who knows I just love them." are doing well too.
The mushrooms here are not the first ones to pop up. If I knew they were edible, I could go into business and possibly have a tidy sum of money by now as I have had a bumper crop of them in both the front and back yard.
Every few days I go out, dig them up and turn the mulch over them, which probably is adding to their proliferation rather than their eradication.
Any non poisonous solutions to mushroom in the garden?
This is the piece I am quilting now. It is dye painted on silk broadcloth. As I was quilting I made another discovery today about what I like and dislike about my work and I have concluded that I do not like variegated thread and I do not like 30 weight thread. I like the look of texture in my work, but I do not want to really see the thread. Somewhere deep down I must have known this but maybe I have not said it out loud. Or said it to myself enough. Or maybe this time when I said it it finally sunk in. So as I was quilting I was thinking what was I going to do with all of the variegated thread that I have in the studio that I do not plan to use again. And what will I do with all the 30 weight thread that I have collected. That I do not plan to use again. And I was thinking I need to order some more Aurifil 50 and Mettlers 60 wt in several colors that I am out of.
Oh My Gosh!!!! This is so unbelievably beautiful! The fabrics are just gorgeous and the quilting is amazing! I can't wait to see the whole piece!!!!
I love the 30wt but my Janome does not. If I ever figure out how to make the machine behave with 30wt, I'll foster your unloved spools.
I also go back and forth about wanting/not wanting the thread to have a say out loud. For a total change of pace, work up a test sandwich with the light monofilament.
It cures the thread blues. You get all the carve and no shouting.
No matter what you feel about the thread, this piece is STUNNING!
Juanita, why not make group of them and sell them here on the blog...make mention of it on your pages in the NING social network sites you're on...are you on facebook...list them there...also you can sell supplies on ETSY.
let me know if this is what you do? one so I can order some and, two, so I can mention it on my blog and sites also.
Beautiful! I love the pink and yellow! And the shape of the fowers are wonderful.
Your quilting is lovely. I also don't like thread to show. It's interesting--I wonder if the tide will turn on that, and more people will realize how distracting the overly visible quilting can be.
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